Compile Time Changes


class NavigationBehavior3D

To improve performance we have implemented a cache for picking in 3d. This means the cost of calling objectsAt multiple times on the same mouseline is greatly reduced. This means we can make the call to objectsAt when it is guaranteed that the result will be used instead of doing it once and passing the result along to where it perhaps will be used.

Old: extend public void move(View3D view, Object[] objectsAtPos) {
New: extend public void move(View3D view, WindowViewMouseInfo mi) {

In this case, the argument objectsAtPos was computed as follows:

Object[] objects = view.objectsAt(mi.pos, selectionOnTop=true, onlySelectable=true);
view.removeObjects(objects, [Class: ViewFocusPoint, DropArea]);

Consider if there are cases when you don't need objectsAt, e.g., during animations.


class CategorizeDialogCard

Old: extend public void updateCheckedState(TreeViewItem item = null, bool disabled = false, Object[] picked = null) {
New: extend public void updateCheckedState() {

class CategorizeDialogCategoryCard

Removed: extend public void setParentCheckState(TriStateComboTreeViewItem item) {


Old: public bool cpp_rayMeshToleranceIntersect(pointF& rayOrigin, pointF& rayDirection, fix float[] verts, int vc, fix int[] triangles, int tc, TransformF transform, pointF& ip, int& triangle, angle tolerance, pointF& cameraLoc);
New: public bool cpp_rayMeshToleranceIntersect(pointF& rayOrigin, pointF& rayDirection, fix float[] verts, int vc, fix int[] triangles, int tc, TransformF transform, pointF& ip, int& triangle, angle tolerance);
Old: public bool rayMeshToleranceIntersect(pointF& rayOrigin, pointF& rayDirection, fix float[] verts, int vc, fix int[] triangles, int tc, TransformF transform, pointF& ip, int& triangle, angle tolerance, pointF& cameraLoc) {
New: public bool rayMeshToleranceIntersect(pointF& rayOrigin, pointF& rayDirection, fix float[] verts, int vc, fix int[] triangles, int tc, TransformF transform, pointF& ip, int& triangle, angle tolerance) {


class REDPicker3D

A new argument, o, has been added to the intersection function. o is the origin/owner of the red shape z and is required for caching purposes.

Old: final public REDPick intersection(REDShape z, lineF ln, REDShape[] path, pointF lineOriginInWC, bool xtrace=false, angle coneAngle=0deg, pointF cameraLoc=pointF(), REDPick[] intersections=null) {
New: final public REDPick intersection(Object o, REDShape z, lineF ln, REDShape[] path, pointF lineOriginInWC, bool xtrace=false, angle coneAngle=0deg, pointF cameraLoc=pointF(), REDPick[] intersections=null) {


class CopySnapperInstruction

This class has been removed. As replacement, use a combination of CopyInstruction, CutInstruction, PasteInstruction and PasteSelectionInstruction. These new instructions more closely mimic the default behaviour of the copy, cut and paste actions in CET.

Removed: class CopySnapperInstruction
Added: class CopyInstruction
Added: class CutInstruction
Added: class PasteInstruction
Added: class PasteSelectionInstruction

Since the default copy, cut and paste behaviour use the active selection and animations, you may also want to combine them with SelectSnapperInstruction and SimulateAnimationClickInstruction.

class InsertSnapperInstruction

All fields have been changed from public to private. The reason for this is that all of them can already be assigned via the constructors, and TestInstruction fields are in general not intended to be changeable afterwards.

Old: public Snapper snapper;
New: private Snapper snapper;
Old: public line mouseLine;
New: private line[] mouseLines;
Old: public str outputKey;
New: private str outputKey;
Old: public bool skipSnap;
New: private bool skipSnap;

InsertSnapperInstruction now supports simulating multiple clicks when inserting snappers, making it possible to insert things like lines that require both a start pos and end pos. To handle this, the line mouseLine field has been changed to a sequence, and the following constructors have been added:

Added: public constructor(Snapper snapper, line[] mouseLines, str outputKey=null, bool skipSnap=false)
Added: public constructor(SnapperSpawner spawner, line[] mouseLines, str outputKey=null, bool skipSnap=false)
Added: public constructor(Snapper snapper, point2D[] pos, str outputKey=null, bool skipSnap=false)
Added: public constructor(SnapperSpawner spawner, point2D[] pos, str outputKey=null, bool skipSnap=false)

class InsertSimpleWallLineInstruction

This class has been removed. Instead use the more general InsertSnapperInstruction.

Removed: class InsertSimpleWallLineInstruction


Old: InsertSimpleWallLineInstruction((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0, 0.0), outputKey="wall");
New: InsertSnapperInstruction(SimpleWallLine(), [(0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0)], outputKey="wall");

class InsertWallLineInstruction

This class has been removed. Instead use the more general InsertSnapperInstruction.

Removed: class InsertWallLineInstruction


Old: InsertWallLineInstruction((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 0.0, 0.0), outputKey="wall");
New: InsertSnapperInstruction(WallLine(), [(0.0, -0.1), (2.0, -0.1)], outputKey="wall", skipSnap=true);

To set the thickness and height of the wall, use the new PutQuickPropInstruction.

PutQuickPropInstruction("wall", "d", Distance(0.2.distance)); // Set thickness to 0.2
PutQuickPropInstruction("wall", "h", Distance(1.8.distance), ensureValidProps=true); // Set thickness to 1.8

Please note that the insert position may vary slightly because the InsertSnapperInstruction utilizes the standard insert animation, whereas InsertWallLineInstruction did not. Normally, you need to offset the position by the thickness of the wall to end up at the same position as before.

Since InsertWallLineInsruction did not use an insert animation, it also ignored snapping. To get the same behaviour, set the parameter skipSnap=true.

class SwitchToView2DInstruction

This class has been deprecated and should be replaced with the new, more general, SwitchToViewInstruction.

A 1 to 1 replacement would look like this: SwitchToView2DInstruction() -> SwitchToViewInstruction(viewOption.splitHorizontal, viewType.view2DType) But if the test doesn't require a split view, the following is sufficient SwitchToViewInstruction(viewOption.threeD)

class SwitchToView3DInstruction

This class has been deprecated and should be replaced with the new, more general, SwitchToViewInstruction.

A 1 to 1 replacement would look like this: SwitchToView3DInstruction() -> SwitchToViewInstruction(viewOption.splitHorizontal, viewType.view3DType) But if the test doesn't require a split view, the following is sufficient SwitchToViewInstruction(viewOption.twoD)

class ValidateFieldValueInstruction

This class has been removed. Instead, use GetFieldValueInstruction followed by ValidateValueInstruction.

Removed: class ValidateFieldValueInstruction
Added: class GetFieldValueInstruction

class FreezeSnappersInstruction

This class has been removed. Instead, use ToggleFreezeInstruction. ToggleFreezeInstruction freezes or unfreezes items in the active selection (same as using the ctrl+e shortcut). If you need to update the active selection, use SelectSnapperInstruction.

Removed: class FreezeSnappersInstruction
Added: class ToggleFreezeInstruction

class UnfreezeSnappersInstruction

This class has been removed. Instead, use ToggleFreezeInstruction. ToggleFreezeInstruction freezes or unfreezes items in the active selection (same as using the ctrl+e shortcut). If you need to update the active selection, use SelectSnapperInstruction.

Removed: class UnfreezeSnappersInstruction
Added: class ToggleFreezeInstruction


class K2InsertWallLineInstruction

This class has been removed. Instead use InsertSnapperInstruction.

Removed: class K2InsertWallLineInstruction

class K2InsertWallBumpInstruction

This class has been changed from public to package. Instead use InsertSnapperInstruction.

Old: public class K2InsertWallBumpInstruction extends TestInstruction : deprecated {
New: package class K2InsertWallBumpInstruction extends TestInstruction : deprecated {

class K2InsertWallWindowInstruction

This class has been changed from public to package. Instead use InsertSnapperInstruction.

Old: public class K2InsertWallWindowInstruction  extends TestInstruction {
New: package class K2InsertWallWindowInstruction  extends TestInstruction {