New parameters have been added to the constructor of BrushHoverDropDownMenuButton
public constructor(Window parent, Brush stdBrush, Brush hoverBrush, Brush mouseDownBrush, // inherited key arguments Font font=controlFont, FrameStyle frameStyle=noFrame, frame3DState frameState=frameStateUp, pointI pos=(0, 0), sizeI size=sizeI(-1, -1), pointI margins=(6, 4), alignment align=middle, str key=null, str label="", color labelColor=color(0, 0, 0), color pressedLabelColor=color(colorType.none), alignment textSide=undefinedAlignment, Image image=null, Image disabledImage=null, color color=nocolor, function(Control button) callback=null, // extended Image secondImage=null, int secondImageMargin=6, bool marginFromText=true, // new imageAlign secondImageAlign=imageAlign.right, // new SrcRef src=#:src) {}
allows changing the calculated margin to be calculated from the text sides, instead of the sides of the button edges.
lets you choose between placing the second image on the right or bottom of the button.
DiskImage can now store diffuseMap and normalMap aswell.
//, Class: DiskImage Old: public constructor(Url targetUrl, sizeI size, imageFormat format, fix byte[] pixels, int pixelsCount, fix byte[] depth=null, int depthCount=0, float avgLum=0, float logAvgLum=0, float minLum=0, float maxLum=0, int sampleCnt=0) : unsafe New: public constructor(Url targetUrl, sizeI size, imageFormat format, fix byte[] pixels, int pixelsCount, fix byte[] depth=null, int depthCount=0, fix byte[] diffuse=null, int diffuseCount=0, fix byte[] normal=null, int normalCount=0, float avgLum=0, float logAvgLum=0, float minLum=0, float maxLum=0, int sampleCnt=0) : unsafe Old: final public bool saveToFile(Url targetUrl, fix byte[] pixels, int pixelsByteCount, fix byte[] depth=null, int depthCount=0) : unsafe New: final public bool saveToFile(Url targetUrl, fix byte[] pixels, int pixelsByteCount, fix byte[] depth=null, int depthCount=0, fix byte[] diffuse=null, int diffuseCount=0, fix byte[] normal=null, int normalCount=0) : unsafe
The methods Window.exit
and Window.mouseLeftChild
can now get null passed into the to
extend public void exit(pointI p, Window to) { ... } extend public void mouseLeftChild(Window child, Window to) { ... }
This happens when the mouse cursor moves from a CET window and outside of CET. It means that code in these methods needs to be null safe in regards to the to