Compile Time Changes

MhDeepstorageNoOfSingleFramesFunction Class

A new parameter is added to the sortedFramesByPriority method, making the previous method without that parameter deprecated.

Old: extend public MhEngineEntry[] sortedFramesByPriority(MhEngineEntry[] sortedFrames) : deprecated {
New: extend public MhEngineEntry[] sortedFramesByPriority(bool rotated, MhEngineEntry[] sortedFrames) {

The new parameter rotated is required for the sorting of frames, because when the frames are rotated in the drawing, the order of sortation should be reversed. When this is not accounted for, the removal of frames will not be consistent since it is not reversed.

There will not be any compile time error despite the changes, since the deprecated method will simply call the new method with rotated=false, which was assumed previously.

extend public MhEngineEntry[] sortedFramesByPriority(MhEngineEntry[] sortedFrames) : deprecated {
    return sortedFramesByPriority(false, sortedFrames);