
In the PDF canvas, if the lineWidthStyle of a LineType is not unit, the code sets the minimum width to be 1.

Furthermore, the width of a LineType is an integer, which further prevents width values that are less than 1 and greater than 0 (eg 0.001).

This makes the lines too thick for material handling since the systems can be enormous and users might want to zoom-in on a frame or beam that is small relative to the system.

The changes are adopted from GDICanvas's getPen method, which calculates the scaling and pixel width-to-millimeter conversion factors. Then, these values are used to calculate the actual width of the GDI pen.

For PDF, the same calculations are used to obtain a floating-point width from the integer width field.

Runtime/Behavior Changes

Now that new calculations are performed when obtaining the width of a LineType, developers might have to tune the width values used in their non-unit width style LineTypes (eg. variable and real).