Compile Time Changes

MhDeepstorageUnitLoadConstructionalPopulateFunction changes

Remove unused methods. See run-time behavior section for more info.

- Removed: extend public int noOfUnitLoads() {
- Removed: extend public int noOfUnitLoadsInDepth() {

Runtime/Behavior Changes

MhDeepstorageUnitLoadConstructionalPopulateFunction changes

Instead of populating unit load from configuration's noOfUnitLoadsInDepth, the engine function now populate based on noOfUnitLoadsInDepth that is passed in as an argument. New flag is added populateBasedOnNoUlDepth, so that you can decide whether to populate unit load based on the noOfUnitLoadsInDepth given or populate as many as possible.

public class MhDeepstorageUnitLoadConstructionalPopulateFunction extends MhUnitLoadConstructionalPopulateFunction {
- New: public Bool populateBasedOnNoUlDepth;
- New: public Int noOfUnitLoadsInDepth;