Compile Time Changes

The following function has been added. It's intended to update the Customer Own Material's card in the material dialog.

Added:  extend public void updateCOMCard(Material mat=null) {

class MaterialLegend

We previously had wrapper methods to access used materials. These have been cleand up as it is faster to directly access mItems instead.

Old: final public Material{} usedMaterials()
Old: final public Material{} used() : deprecated
New: public Material->MaterialLegendItem mItems : copy=shallow;

Runtime/Behavior Changes

The following overidden getter/setter functions have been added. Now, changes to description on COMPartProxy change the description on the referenced CustomerOwnMaterial.

// get/set now reference CustomerOwnMaterial description
Added: public str description() {}
Added: public str description=(str v) {}

The following functions have been added to support updating a specific MaterialTreeViewItem in the tree view of materials and CustomerOwnMaterial undo operations.

// Updates a specific MaterialTreeViewItem in the tree view
Added: extend public void updateMaterial(Material mat) {}

// returns the COMUndoOp for the CustomerOwnMaterial and the operation being performed
Added: extend public COMUndoOp comUndoOp(CustomerOwnMaterial com, comUndoOperation operation) {}