Compile Time Changes

class DsLazySnapper3DMemoryBtn

The constructor for 'DsLazySnapper3DMemoryBtn' has been adjusted to accept a 'facelift' flag and 'textSide' alignment.

Old: public constructor(Window parent,
                        DsPData data,
                        // inherited key arguments
                        Font font=smallSystemFont,
                        Brush brush=null,
                        FrameStyle frameStyle=toolboxButtonFrameStyle,
                        frame3DState frameState=frameStateDown,
                        pointI pos=(0, 0),
                        sizeI size=(-1, -1),
                        pointI margins=(2, 2),
                        alignment align=up,
                        ControlGroup group=null,
                        function (Control c) callback=null,
                        function (Control c) leftArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control c) rightArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control c, DsPData data) updateCB=null,
                        function (Control c, str action, DsPData data) rightClickMenuCB=null,
                        function (Window c, pointI p):DsLibAnimation dragAnimationCB=null,
                        str label=null,
                        color labelColor=color(0, 0, 0),
                        bool threeState=false,
                        symbol snapperPkg=null,
                        str snapperName=null,
                        // extends arguments
                        bool forceRender=false,
                        sizeI outputSize=dsMemBtnSize,
                        double distScale=1,
                        liRenderLevel level=liFull,
                        SnapperSpawner snapperSpawner=null,
                        AnimationSpawner animationSpawner=null,
                        SrcRef src=#:src)
New: public constructor(Window parent,
                        DsPData data,
                        // inherited key arguments
                        Font font=null,                 // default is now null
                        Brush brush=null,            
                        FrameStyle frameStyle=null,     // default is now null
                        frame3DState frameState=frameStateDown,
                        pointI pos=(0, 0),
                        sizeI size=(-1, -1),
                        pointI margins=(2, 2),
                        alignment align=up,
                        ControlGroup group=null,
                        function (Control c) callback=null,
                        function (Control c) leftArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control c) rightArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control c, DsPData data) updateCB=null,
                        function (Control c, str action, DsPData data) rightClickMenuCB=null,
                        function (Window c, pointI p):DsLibAnimation dragAnimationCB=null,
                        str label=null,
                        color labelColor=color(0, 0, 0),
                        bool threeState=false,
                        alignment textSide=undefinedAlignment,  // alignment textSide is a new argument
                        symbol snapperPkg=null,
                        str snapperName=null,
                        // extends arguments
                        bool forceRender=false,
                        sizeI outputSize=dsMemBtnSize,
                        double distScale=1,
                        liRenderLevel level=liFull,
                        SnapperSpawner snapperSpawner=null,
                        AnimationSpawner animationSpawner=null,
                        bool facelift=false,                    // bool facelift is a new argument
                        SrcRef src=#:src)

class DsSearchLazySnapper3DMemoryBtn

The constructor for 'DsSearchLazySnapper3DMemoryBtn' has been adjusted to accept a 'facelift' flag and 'src' reference.

Old: public constructor(Window parent,
                        DsPData data,
                            //inherited key arguments
                        Font font=controlFont,
                        Brush brush=null,
                        FrameStyle frameStyle=toolboxButtonFrameStyle,
                        frame3DState frameState=frameStateDown,
                        pointI pos=(0, 0),
                        sizeI size=(-1, -1),
                        pointI margins=(2, 2),
                        alignment align=up,
                        ControlGroup group=null,
                        function (Control control) callback=null,
                        function (Control control) leftArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control control) rightArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control c, DsPData data) updateCB=null,
                        function (Control c, str action, DsPData data) rightClickMenuCB=null,
                        function (Window c, pointI p):DsLibAnimation dragAnimationCB=null,
                        str label=null,
                        color labelColor=color(0, 0, 0),
                        bool threeState=false,
                        symbol snapperPkg=null,
                        str snapperName=null,
                        // extends arguments
                        bool forceRender=false,
                        sizeI outputSize=(60, 60),
                        double distScale=1,
                        liRenderLevel level=liFull)
New: public constructor(Window parent,
                        DsPData data,
                        //inherited key arguments
                        Font font=controlFont,
                        Brush brush=null,
                        FrameStyle frameStyle=null,    // frameStyle now defaults to null
                        frame3DState frameState=frameStateDown,
                        pointI pos=(0, 0),
                        sizeI size=(-1, -1),
                        pointI margins=(2, 2),
                        alignment align=up,
                        ControlGroup group=null,
                        function (Control control) callback=null,
                        function (Control control) leftArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control control) rightArrowCB=null,
                        function (Control c, DsPData data) updateCB=null,
                        function (Control c, str action, DsPData data) rightClickMenuCB=null,
                        function (Window c, pointI p):DsLibAnimation dragAnimationCB=null,
                        str label=null,
                        color labelColor=color(0, 0, 0),
                        bool threeState=false,
                        symbol snapperPkg=null,
                        str snapperName=null,
                        // extends arguments
                        bool forceRender=false,
                        sizeI outputSize=(60, 60),
                        double distScale=1,
                        liRenderLevel level=liFull,
                        bool facelift=false,    // bool facelift is new
                        SrcRef src=#:src)       // SrcRed src is new