
A new COMPartProxy class has been added as CustomerOwnMaterials are being updated to include part information and show in Calculations. This MaterialPartProxy ties specifically to CustomerOwnMaterials.

Class Signature:
public class COMPartProxy extends CachedMaterialPartProxy

CustomerOwnMaterials are being updated in 15.0 to allow users to store part information for them. To account for this, new fields and UI features were added to the COMaterialDialog for the user to enter this information. The MaterialPartProxy stores the information entered in the dialog for the CustomerOwnMaterial.

More documentation about the utilization of this info for parts can be found in the migration notes for COMPart in cm.abstract.material and MaterialPartProxy in cm.core.material.

A new COMPart class has been added as CustomerOwnMaterials are being updated to include part information and show in Calculations.

public class COMPart extends ProdPart

As CustomerOwnMaterials are being updated to also store part information, COMPartProxy was introduced to store this information (code, description, length unit, etc.) on the material.



Changes have been made to the circle menu to facilitate subclassing it.


The responsibility of caching a dwg graphs bound has been moved from class DwgBspSplitEnv to class DwgBspEntry, so we can utilize the caching in places other than when we're performing a bsp split.


To allow PartInfoTrees to hold any type of PartColumn, the return type of columns() has changed from PartInfoColumn[] to PartColumn[]. A new function buildColumns was also added. It is used by the Calculations dialog to build the columns of a PartInfoTree.

BlockSpace adjustments for Parts were not previously accounted for in the Calculations dialog. To account for these adjustments, changes were made in Part to allow or ignore adjustments made in BlockSpaces.

Changes have been made to PartInfoTree to allow them to hold BasicPartColumns.


Fixed some general UI bugs with highlighting in the PropsSchemes dialog, and allow specify custom colors for highlighting.


The following changes were made to support development efforts of the new UI.


We now support materials when exporting to dwg. Materials in CET will be converted to a format supported by dwg. Textures are extracted and stored in a folder next to the dwg. Currently, we do not support exporting user materials added to xrefs. In other words, if a dwg is imported to CET and a new material is added to it and then again exported to dwg the added material will not be exported.

The Tools toolbox is receiving a facelift in the new UI mode, as a result, a lot of old functionality has been cleaned up.