There has been an effort to replace existing str
literals in the abstract used for property keys with constants. This makes the property keys easier to maintain and inspect. If you are using any of these literals in your extensions, you may replace them with the corresponding constants.
/** * Prop keys. */ public const str cMhLoadOnFloorPK = "loadOnFloor"; public const str cMhNoOfLevelsPK = "noOfLevels"; public const str cMhBayWidthPK = "bayWidth"; public const str cMhBayDepthPK = "bayDepth"; public const str cMhBayHeightPK = "bayHeight"; public const str cMhAisleOverhangPK = "aisleOverhang"; public const str cMhRearOverhangPK = "rearOverhang"; public const str cMhAddFloorLevelPK = "addFloorLevel"; public const str cMhFrameWidthPK = "frameWidth"; public const str cMhFrameDepthPK = "frameDepth"; public const str cMhFrameHeightPK = "frameHeight"; public const str cMhUprightDepthPK = "uprightDepth"; public const str cMhFootWidthPK = "footWidth"; public const str cMhFootDepthPK = "footDepth"; public const str cMhFootHeightPK = "footHeight"; public const str cMhEditedPK = "edited"; public const str cMhBottomStorageLevelPK = "bottomStorageLevel"; public const str cMhHolePitchPK = "holePitch"; public const str cMhHoleStartZPK = "holeStartZ"; public const str cMhLevelEntryPK = "levelEntry"; public const str cMhLoadEntriesPK = "loadEntries"; public const str cMhHoleZDomainPK = "holeZDomain"; public const str cMhNumBaysPK = "numBays"; public const str cMhBeamHeightPK = "beamHeight"; public const str cMhLevelClearanceZPK = "levelClearanceZ"; public const str cMhLevelElevationPK = "levelElevation"; public const str cMhLevelPK = "level"; public const str cMhUprightPK = "upright"; public const str cMhClearanceSpecPK = "clearanceSpec"; public const str cMhClearanceSpecIdPK = "clearanceSpecId"; public const str cMhRowLayoutClassPK = "rowLayoutClass"; public const str cMhRowAnglePK = "a"; public const str cMhRowAlignPK = "rowAlign"; public const str cMhPredefinedBayPK = "predefinedBay"; public const str cMhBayCountPK = "bayCount"; public const str cMhFrameCountPK = "frameCount"; public const str cMhAisleWidthPK = "aisleWidth"; public const str cMhCrossAisleDistPK = "crossAisleDist"; public const str cMhDownAisleDistPK = "downAisleDist"; public const str cMhAisleCountPK = "aisleCount"; public const str cMhOffsetFrontPK = "offsetFront"; public const str cMhOffsetBackPK = "offsetBack"; public const str cMhOffsetLeftPK = "offsetLeft"; public const str cMhOffsetRightPK = "offsetRight"; public const str cMhClosestRowPK = "closestRow"; public const str cMhTryConnectToOtherRowPK = "tryConnectToOtherRow"; public const str cMhPopulateOffsetPK = "populateOffset"; public const str cMhCollisionSolutionPK = "collisionSolution"; public const str cMhAdditionalPrimPK = "additionalPrim"; public const str cMhReversePK = "reverse"; public const str cMhBlockSpreadPK = "blockSpread"; public const str cMhBlockPopulateMorePK = "blockPopulateMore"; public const str cMhReOptimizePK = "reOptimize"; public const str cMhUnitLoadPK = "unitLoad"; public const str cMhClearancePK = "clearance"; public const str cMhStretchDirPK = "stretchDir"; public const str cMhUnitLoadKeyPK = "unitLoadKey"; public const str cMhNoOfUnitLoadsPK = "noOfUnitLoads"; public const str cMhNumAislesPK = "numAisles"; public const str cMhFootBoltCountPK = "footBoltCount"; public const str cMhBeamOffsetZPK = "beamOffsetZ"; public const str cMhLoadWithinLimitPK = "loadWithinLimit"; public const str cMhAutoULPopulatePK = "autoULPopulate"; public const str cMhRevertAutoULPopulatePK = "revertAutoULPopulate"; public const str cMhLevelLimitZPK = "levelLimitZ"; public const str cMhConfigKeyPK = "configKey"; public const str cMhLimitZPK = "limitZ"; public const str cMhFrameSnappersPK = "frameSnappers"; public const str cMhSnapperPK = "snapper"; public const str cMhHighestLevelZPK = "highestLevelZ"; public const str cMhSqueezeLevelsPK = "squeezeLevels"; public const str cMhArrangedByOtherBayPK = "arrangedByOtherBay"; public const str cMhMaintainBayHeightPK = "maintainBayHeight"; public const str cMhLevelOffsetZPK = "levelOffsetZ"; public const str cMhFlueDepthPK = "flueDepth"; public const str cMhFlueLoadToLoadPK = "flueLoadToLoad"; public const str cMhAisleLoadToLoadPK = "aisleLoadToLoad"; public const str cMhPopulateRowSpacersPK = "populateRowSpacers"; public const str cMhRowSpacerOffsetZPK = "rowSpacerOffsetZ"; public const str cMhFrameSpacerOffsetZPK = "frameSpacerOffsetZ"; public const str cMhRowSpacerThicknessPK = "rowSpacerThickness"; public const str cMhFrameSpacerThicknessPK = "frameSpacerThickness"; public const str cMhIsSiloPK = "isSilo"; public const str cMhBayEditorLevelPK = "bayEditorlevel"; public const str cMhUpPK = "up"; public const str cMhP0PK = "p0";