

Using GDI or integer-based method on the PdfCanvas is causing a lot of precision problems for PDFs and printing. To make PDF and printing more robust, the Canvas class will now be separated into two subclasses, ToPixelCanvas and VectorCanvas. In the future, PdfVectorCanvas will be used instead, and it subclasses from VectorCanvas where the methods will be floating-point based.


The PixelDevice dc field on Canvas will be moved to ToPixelCanvas. Since VectorCanvas will not use GDI, it's device context or dc field will not be the PixelDevice type, but VectorDevice instead. The VectorDevice will support floating-point based methods instead.

Compile Time Changes

// cm/core/graph/gAdvImage.cm, Class: GAdvImage
Old: final public mrgn combinedClipRgn(Canvas gd, mrgn oldRgn)
New: final public mrgn combinedClipRgn(ToPixelCanvas gd, mrgn oldRgn)

// cm/core/windowView.cm, Class: WindowView
Old: public Canvas canvas
New: public ToPixelCanvas canvas

// cm/draw/canvas.cm, Class Canvas
Old: public constructor(PixelDevice c)
New: public constructor()
Removed: public PixelDevice dc

// cm/draw/canvas.cm, new global function to make things compile easily rather than casting the Canvas to ToPixelCanvas
New: public PixelDevice getCanvasDC(Canvas c)

// cm/draw/gdiCanvas.cm
Old: public class GdiCanvas extends Canvas
New: public class GdiCanvas extends ToPixelCanvas

// cm/std/print/photoLayoutSnapshot.cm, Class PhotoLayoutSnapshot
Old: extend public void draw(Canvas canvas, rectI targetRect) : abstract
New: extend public void draw(ToPixelCanvas canvas, rectI targetRect) : abstract

// cm/std/print/photoLayoutSnapshot.cm, Class PhotoLayoutREDSnapshot
Old: public void draw(Canvas canvas, rectI targetRect)
New: public void draw(ToPixelCanvas canvas, rectI targetRect)

Runtime/Behavior Changes


Canvas implementations that subclass Canvas directly, instead of a more specific implementation like GdiCanvas will find many things not working, since many methods have been moved to ToPixelCanvas. Try subclassing GdiCanvas or ToPixelCanvas instead.


See https://git.configura.com/cet/external/base/-/merge_requests/29409