
Panel Frame Changes

PanelFrameInsertAnimationG2 was written using the animation spawning to try and emulate the 'states' that the old animations had, but the implementation here was buggy and hacky, so it was redone from scratch and just implemented it's own state functionality so that there is more parity with the old animation, but also has all the support that G2 animations bring. Some other small bugs or odd behaviors were noted with the PanelFrame snapper and so some small changes were made as needed.

Runtime/Behavior Changes

Panel Frames

  • Rewrite PanelFrameInsertAnimationG2 to not spawn other animations to emulate the state behavior of old animations.
  • Return true from XXXPanelStretchEnv only if width was actually changed.
  • PanelFrame now returns isTMountable() in allowAttach() when a PTransformSnapPoint from a PanelFrame is snapping to a ConnectLine on another PanelFrame.


  • Changed the material used for the AOWksfSelectSupportForRemovalVessel from redPlasticMaterial3D to intenseRedMaterial3D
  • Added a method for the undo step description in abstract/office/legacy/worksurfaceTool3DAnimation.cm