Runtime/Behavior Changes

When introducing PBR materials we added a 'spec' field for GMaterial3D. This can either be a 'ClassicMatSpec' (the old material definition) or a 'PBRMatSpec'. In order to simplify for developers not knowing what material they are dealing with we created these helper functions for dealing with opacity/transparency and color:

 * Creates a copy of the material with the specified opacity.
public GMaterial3D createTransparentMaterial(GMaterial3D gm, float opacityValue)

 * Set the opacity on the material.
public void setOpacity(GMaterial3D gm, float opacityValue)

 * Creates a copy of the material with the specified color.
public GMaterial3D createColorMaterial(GMaterial3D gm, colorF c)

 * Set the color on the material.
public void setColor(GMaterial3D gm, colorF c)

Also note that we have updated the core materials as outlined here:

When introducing PBR materials we added a 'spec' field for GMaterial3D. This can either be a 'ClassicMatSpec' (the old material definition) or a 'PBRMatSpec'. In order to simplify for developers not knowing what material they are dealing with we created these helper functions for dealing with opacity/transparency and color:

 * Creates a copy of the material with the specified opacity.
public GMaterial3D createTransparentMaterial(GMaterial3D gm, float opacityValue)

 * Set the opacity on the material.
public void setOpacity(GMaterial3D gm, float opacityValue)

 * Creates a copy of the material with the specified color.
public GMaterial3D createColorMaterial(GMaterial3D gm, colorF c)

 * Set the color on the material.
public void setColor(GMaterial3D gm, colorF c)

Also note that we have updated the core materials as outlined here: