Compile Time Changes

Moved Classes

  • Many older Classes/Systems have been moved to a legacy package (
    • If you are getting an error that a class is missing, it most likely was moved to this package.
  • This was done to indicate that new development should consider not using these classes/systems.
  • There are no plans to remove these classes and they will continue to compile/work in future releases.

Classes Moved to Legacy

  • ADummyChair
  • AOResetSupportsVessel
  • ColumnPosFilter
  • CornerWorksurface
  • DepthTransitionWorksurface
  • Dimension
  • DimensionHead
  • EndWorksurface
  • FreestandingSupportPosFilter
  • OfficeGroupScheme
  • OfficeSurface
  • OfficeDistanceAnimationProperty
  • PanelEndSupport
  • PanelHeigthStretchEnv
  • PanelHungSupportPosEnv
  • PanelHungPosFilter
  • PanelLine
  • PanelStretchEnv
  • Poltergeist
  • PostPosFilter
  • PostSupport
  • SharedPanelHungPosFilter
  • SpannerWorksurface
  • SpecialPanelJunction
  • SpecialPanelJunctionCreator
  • SpecialPanelJunctionSnapper
  • SpecialPanelJunctionSnapperCreatorFilter
  • StraightWorksurface
  • SupportedWorksurface
  • Surface120Shape
  • SurfaceAngleCornerShape
  • SurfaceAutoCorner
  • SurfaceCornerShape
  • SurfaceEvenCornerShape
  • SurfaceExtendedCornerShape
  • SurfaceHalfCircleCornerShape
  • SurfaceHalfCircleEndShape
  • SurfaceRadiusEndShape
  • SurfaceRectSwellShape
  • SurfaceShape
  • SurfaceStraightShape
  • SurfaceSweepTransitionShape
  • SurfaceTransitionShape
  • SurfaceWedgeTransitionShape
  • TransitionWorksurface
  • WorksurfaceSupport
  • WorksurfaceTool3DAnimation
  • WorksurfaceStretchAnimation
  • WsCLManipulator
  • WsCLNormalManipulator
  • WsfColumnPosition
  • WsfDummyStretchPosition
  • WsfFreestandingSupportPosition
  • WsfPanelHungPosition
  • WsfPostPosition
  • WsfSupport
  • WsfSupportPosition

Moved to

  • IsometricViewRect
  • IsoViewFetchEnv3D
  • MemorySingleLinkConnector
  • IsometricSymbolSnap
  • IsometricImageHolder
  • IsometricRuleOnewaySnapPoint
  • isoLabelAlign

Moved to cm.abstract

  • MovableTextSnap

Moved to cm.abstract.material

  • OfficeMaterialDomainUIFactory (renamed to AbsMaterialDomainUIFactory)
    • Function for settings also had name updated.
      • officeMaterialPropertyFactoryFn -> absMatPropertyFactoryFn.
  • OfficeMaterialPropertyFactory (renamed to AbsMaterialPropertyFactory)
  • OfficeCoreSchemeBuilder (renamed to AbsMatCoreSchemeBuilder)
  • OfficeCoreSchemeMaterialProperty (renamed to AbsCoreSchemeMaterialProperty)

OfficeCoreSchemePropertyMaterialChoice removed (was empty class), use SchemePropertyMaterialChoice now.

Other Changes

  • Made function for getting icons in AO more consistent
    • Renamed from abstractOfficeIcon(str image) --> aoIcon(str image)
  • Moved closestSnapperInAnimation function to cm.abstract
  • Added ao prefix to spread icons
  • Changed global constants for casegoods categories to be more readable
    • cAOCase.. -> cAOCasegoods
  • Added ao prefix to AO hooks
public Image[] allSpreadIcons
public Image[] someSpreadIcons
public Image[] singleOrHSpreadIcons
public Image[] bothPickIcons

public Image[] aoAllSpreadIcons
public Image[] aoSomeSpreadIcons
public Image[] aoSingleOrHSpreadIcons
public Image[] aoBothPickIcons
  • Renamed FConnectLine to InactiveConnectLine and moved it down to cm.abstract
  • Removed isometricLayer and isometricAddOnLayer globals. (these were of the type OfficeDwgLayerInfo)
  • Removed references to OfficeSurface in
  • PanelJunctionSnapper now extends Model3DSnapper
  • WorksurfaceConnectArc now extends a new subclass of ConnectArc that has it’s rotation defined a bit better and supports stretching like a connect line does.
    • As part of this change, the parameters to be passed into the constructor are a bit different. This has been changed at the AO level and load code has been added to update the connect arc’s rotation.
    • If createWksfConnectArc() or updateWksfConnectArc() have been overwritten, you may need to update your code to include the changes to what the connect arc’s rotation is.
  • WorksurfaceEdge’s extrudeProfile() now takes in Snapper
  • PanelFrameInsertAnimationG2 has received a fix for a bug with the arrow keys and the movement aid.
  • Some G2 Panel Skin animation vessels have been updated to not assume the owning animation is a PickSkinAnimationG2. They now assume the parent is a ToolAnimationG2.

Data Office

  • Updated Data classes to use build3D() and build2D() instead of get3D() and get2D().
  • Added some missing methods to some of these classes relating to getting specific catalog or abstract graphics and whether to use catalog or abstract graphics.

Runtime/Behavior Changes

  • Removed worksurface specific animation defaults on Worksurface since they only worked with SupportedWorksurface.
  • WorksurfaceConnectArc now returns true for active().